
There are a variety of forms that we keep on file for your child that provide valuable information for us so we can provide them with the best care possible.

Teddy Bear Club Handbook 2023-2024
2023-2024 Days Off

Registration Forms
Registration Instructions
Parental Consent Form
Authorization Form
Family History Form
Physical Exam Form
Immunization Certificate

Since we are part of the Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP),please complete the required Enrollment Form, read the CACFP Parent letter, and complete the required Iowa Eligibility Application. Our Center benefits by receiving partial reimbursement for nutritious meals served, and the amount of reimbursement we receive is based on your information. Even if you are over the income guidelines for free and reduced lunches, please sign the application, put N/A and return to us so we may keep on file for our records. The information reported on this form will be filed and treated as confidential. Thank you for your cooperation.

CACFP Instructions

Enrollment Form

Eligibility Application